My first 1-Star review!

Leon Stevens
2 min readJul 24, 2021

It was bound to happen. Not everyone is going to enjoy every author’s books. But I have to admit, my heart dropped a bit when I saw the rating.

1.0 out of 5 stars Boring Stories
Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2021
Boring stories that don’t draw in the reader. Nothing really interesting happens.

Can I dispute the review? Not really, since this is the opinion of an individual, and there is nothing that I can say except thank them for their honesty. I suppose I could ask the question. “Did you read the whole thing?”

Hard to say. Here’s the KDP graphic:

Someone read the whole book on Kindle Unlimited on June 4th, and someone purchased the Kindle version on July 3rd.

I also took a look at what other books they reviewed to see what they enjoy. There wasn’t any other science fiction there, so I suppose it isn’t a surprise they did not care for it. It would have been nice to have my book turn them on to the genre, though.

On the plus side, it does give credibility to the reviews, not being all 5-Star glowing/gushing. On the negative side, it did drop my average rating quite a bit.

Am I over it?


Wanna read a book with boring stories? The Knot at the End of the Rope and Other Boring Stories.


Leon Stevens is a blogger, composer, artist, and an author of three books (so far): Lines by Leon: Poems, Prose, and Pictures, Journeys: Eight Original Pieces for Classical Guitar and The Knot at the End of the Rope and Other Short Stories.



Leon Stevens

Leon Stevens is a writer, composer, guitarist, songwriter, and an artist, with a Bachelor of Music and Education.